Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recycled thoughts: supernovas and Taliban(s)

Its interesting how wrapped-up in our worlds we can get. Look at Albany: there must be over a million worlds and identities that people shroud themselves with (and are shrouded by).

i am wrapped up in about 90 worlds currently, but at the moment i find myself enthralled by a particular constellation.

i'm a space guy. i don't study it or research it but its a great way to illustrate something. Presently, the star cluster i'm observing is one that may be light years away from collecting cans, but supernovas send trans-galactic waves.

So while i'm comfortably out of harm for now, i can see the explosions and anticipate the repercussions once the blow starts shaking my world.

This is what i'm rapping about. CNN says Obama's gonna start paying Taliban members to switch sides. That's weird: last time i remember the US government paying an enemy to switch was when the OSS employed about 20-30 Nazi scientists and strategists, simultaneously renaming itself to the CIA. How did that turn out? Misinformation, completely illegal activity, and the Cold War.

We're in the desert now, i suppose we can expect a hot war. i better start getting my hippie bullshit protest songs in order...Ha.

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