Saturday, November 7, 2009

Grassroot recycling: deposits, soda and CRV

i just came across this cool video. It is an interview with the store owner of Galco’s. Galco's is a tiny soda retailer in LA, only marketing small time sodas. In other words, it's like an indie soda store. No Coke, no Pepsi.

Here is the video of the interview. While the whole thing is enjoyable to any soda enthusiast, 10:02 talks a little about  CRV recycling, which is similar to New York state depositing. The clerk also mentions corn syrup, which shall be discussed in GREAT detail on Monday. To give you a preview, our government has a ridiculous tariff on imported sugar. (i've had Coke with real sugar before...incomparable to the bullshit sold in the States.)

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